Tired of wasting money throwing away food that has gone rotten? When you use Peakfresh Produce Bags to store your fresh produce you’ll save money! Slowing down the aging process and preserving the freshness of fruit and vegetables they can more than double existing storage life under refrigeration. Manufactured to the highest possible standards they are the most effective product to keep your produce fresher for longer. 6 packs, 12 packs or 72 packs of 10 reusable bags per pack.
Fresh Produce Bags (Retail Packs)
Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
(1 customer review)
$27.00 – $228.96
Categories: Modified atmosphere packaging, Produce Bags
Weight | N/A |
Dimensions | N/A |
Size Range | 12pk, 6pk, 72pk |
1 review for Fresh Produce Bags (Retail Packs)
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richard millicer –
Bought these bags directly from PeakFresh many years ago. Technology designed by CSIRO. Minimum purchase quantity was too many for me so gave packs to other crazies like me. Absolutely fabulous at extending storage duration of fresh fruit and veg. Bananas are the most obvious example of preservation for many days before browning. An appropriate combination of refrigeration with storage in these bags permits long intervals for shopping for fresh produce – up to two weeks = good. And perishable food wastage is virtually zero = bonus. Simple washing with tiny amount of detergent and turning bag inside out to air dry has ensured years of re-use over and over = extra bonus. They are definitely not single use and throw away! Cannot understand why these bags are not available in supermarkets – corporate conspiracy maybe?